Best Stretch Every Tennis Player Should Do!

Why Do You Need To Stretch Before You Play Tennis?

It is common for most people to skip stretching, and while you are young but with age, stretching becomes even more critical to prevent sore muscles the next day, or worst, an injury. Stretches lengthen muscles used during lateral movements and can help prevent damage. It also helps to align muscles needed for powerful shots like backhands or serves. Any competitive tennis player (low, intermediate, or high level) should be doing stretches.

Playing Tennis does not stretch your muscles and the movements of your body completely. Therefore stretching will help your body prevent injuries and have enough strength, muscle mass, and flexibility. People who do not stretch their muscles will probably have many injuries and be unable to perform at their best level possible.

So, must you go to the gym daily to do the muscle strengthening exercises? No. You can do a lot of things at home to strengthen your muscles.

Should Tennis Players Warm Up?

Going without stretching before a tennis game puts your muscles and joints at risk. Should you be doing a tennis warm-up before you play Tennis? The answer is yes! Stretching prepares you both physically and mentally for the activity that you are about to do. This way, you can prevent straining and overworking your muscles. Below are 3 of the main reasons you should do a form of warm-up before going into a match.

Promote Circulation

Nothing worse than the feeling of cramping in the middle of an important game. Cramps are caused by holding a position for a prolonged period, with the experience being unpleasant as it affects you physically and can also tire you mentally. With the correct warm-up, proper circulation will help the muscles perform better and avoid the painful cramps as you move around during playtime.

Improve Coordination & Free Movement

In a game of Tennis, your coordination and free movement could set you apart from your opponent. There will be running, jumping and swinging, and all will be tested the longer the game goes on, and so will the muscles will not feel stiff or become too tired quickly if you stretch them.

Preparing For The Physical Challenge

Part of Tennis is getting around the court and executing your moves with precision. With a proper warm-up, you get to perform the physical demands to prepare yourself for the game ahead. You are more than prepared to run, slide, duck, or reach because you have made the proper stretching preparations.

Why Stretching Hip Flexors Is Important.

One significant stretch every tennis player needs is the low lunge. This stretch activates your hip flexors (hamstrings) and keeps them strong and in shape. By practicing the lunge, you will strengthen the muscles more than the sit-ups or crunches do. After a long period of sitting, a low lunge will release the tight spots, making you more flexible and decreasing muscle stress.

The low lunge is not complicated; you can do it without equipment. Start your front foot on the floor, bend your front knee as much as possible and place your back leg behind you. Make sure that your back knee doesn't go beyond the base. If so, you will start punching yourself in the stomach, and lower back pain will happen.

Hold this stretch for 20 seconds and repeat ten times, three times a day.

Use this stretch if you have time on your hands before a match or practice session. Because it is so effective in increasing flexibility and keeping your body fit.

Yoga, The Go-To For Professional Tennis Players.

Yoga helps your body stay in shape whether you are trying to keep fit or like to play Tennis. Many tennis players nowadays are enrolling themselves in yoga classes. Tennis is very demanding, requiring a lot of stretching to keep your body fit. Yoga offers flexibility and stability and has many benefits.

If you have not done anything to increase your flexibility, you should start with yoga exercises because Yoga will significantly help increase flexibility.

It would be best if you used Yoga because it increases your overall flexibility, makes you stronger, improves your balance and coordination, and keeps the body fit. Another benefit of practicing Yoga is it can help you relax in stressful situations.

If you are still unsure, check out Novak Djokovic's comments on how it helped him and how Yoga has become a go-to for other professional tennis players.

The Benefit Of Yoga For Tennis Players.

Balance, flexibility, strength, and coordination are crucial to tennis players, and Yoga has all these and more. Flexibility is one of the essential things that Tennis requires. By practicing Yoga, you will get better flexibility and help your body stay in shape.

Yoga helps you achieve balance by improving balance in each muscle group so they can be strengthened and used more efficiently. So, if you want to be alert and focused for the match, Yoga can help you. The next time you have extra time, stretch out and get fit with Yoga.

Can Yoga Be Customized For Tennis?

The answer is yes. Yoga can be customized for Tennis, but then how? Because it focuses on flexibility and breathing, The Extended Triangle Pose and the Tree Pose are the best Yoga poses to use while playing Tennis.

To start with these two particular yoga poses, you must bend one leg and keep it on the ground. Then slowly prop your upper body on the floor with both arms stretched. Now, start observing the breathing rhythm and slow down your heart rate.

When you start practicing these yoga poses, it doesn't matter at what point in life; if you are doing something beneficial for your body and mind, then find other benefits.


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